Register for access to H.O.P.E. materials

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Before registering, we ask that you read the courtesy agreement below. You will be asked if you consent to the courtesy agreement at the end of the registration form. If you have reservations or disagreements, please do not submit your registration.

Courtesy Agreement

Please understand that the H.O.P.E. material is to be a ministry of your local church, and as such, you are free to use it in any capacity that you deem it fruitful for your church.

We ask only …

  1. That you do not change the material.
  2. If you hold a weekly meeting that you let us know when and where that meeting will be taking place so that we may add it to
  3. That you periodically send us testimonies of those whom God is helping through the use of the H.O.P.E. Program in your church.
  4. If you are not going to print the material yourself, we request that you would get your printed material through the online store of

by accepting this courtesy agreement you are also stating that you agree with the following doctrinal statement and affirm that you are an Independent Fundamental Bible Believing Baptist Church.

  1. We believe that Salvation is by grace through faith without the addition of any works.
  2. We reject the doctrinal errors of both Calvinism and Arminianism. We believe in both the response of man, and the sovereignty of God; That when man chooses to accept salvation, he is kept by the power of God unto the day of redemption.
  3. We believe in believers only baptism, that baptism by immersion is an answer of good conscious toward God but holds no saving power.
  4. We believe the King James Bible is the preserved Word of God for English speaking people and use it exclusively.
  5. We believe in the authority and autonomy of the local, visible New Testament Church. 
  6. We are non charismatic, and do not believe that speaking in tongues, or signs and wonders are actively being used by the Holy Spirit of God today.

This material is offered at no cost to your church, we would ask you to prayerfully consider monthly support for the ministry of Dr. Carter in his full time work of helping churches help the hurting. 

Monthly support can be sent to: 

Beth Haven Baptist Church
12400 S. Western Ave
Oklahoma City, OK 73170

memo for: Dr. Rick Carter Jr.

Thank you for your support.