Thank you for visiting the H.O.P.E. Addiction Recovery Program website. Here you will find the Biblical tools and guidance to minister and help those that struggle with all kinds of addictions.  We firmly believe 2 Corinthians 5:17  “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”


The H.O.P.E. Addictions Recovery Program was developed by Rick Carter Jr. Ph.D., an Independent Baptist pastor for use in Independent Baptist churches.

The program is a tool for pastors in churches with ANY budget to answer the addiction epidemic in their own communities and reach addicts and those that struggle with the truth of God’s Word.

Hundreds of Independent Baptist churches around the world are utilizing the H.O.P.E Addictions Recovery Program to help many get victory over sin through the truth of God’s Word. If you think your church would be able to utilize H.O.P.E, please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions.

The H.O.P.E. Addiction Recovery Program is not a self help program, it is a God help program.  As long as we have the Bible, we have the answers needed to help those that struggle with addiction!

NO START UP COSTS – No sign-up fees or monthly dues.  Period. 

FREE PRINTABLE CURRICULUM – Print and use as much material as needed to meet the need of your church. 

TRUE LOCAL CHURCH MINISTRY – By an Independent Baptist Church for Independent Baptist Churches. 

ADAPTABLE FORMAT – Every church is different. Use the program as God leads you.  

Getting Started

The H.O.P.E. Program's Core Curriculum is:

Beating the Odds

Beating the Odds is the beginner Workbook for the H.O.P.E Addictions Program.  This book is given to students on their first visit and gives them an overview of how the program works as well as some important tools to jumpstart their recovery.

Formula 4 Life Workbook

2 Peter 2:4-8 is a passage that gives us the formula to escape the corruption that is in the world through lust, the addictions and sins that so easily beset us.  In this book the HOPE student studies and completes weekly "steps" based upon these eight ingredients found in these verses. This formula for life will fill in the missing elements in your life and help you to be a full partaker of the divine nature that is available when one became a believer in Jesus Christ.

15 Bible Truths Workbook

The 15 Bible Truths of H.O.P.E. are a progressive revelation of truth for the individual seeking freedom from the bonds of addiction. These truths are not found in the most recent editions of psychological manuals, nor in the halls of the most advanced hospitals, but rather come directly from the pages of the eternal Word of God.

Life's Toolbox: Tools for coping with Life

Life’s toolbox is filled with the biblical tools that we each need to cope with life.  Those that struggle with life can take heart that there is not a trial or problem that we will encounter that God has not given us the answer for. 

The H.O.P.E. Core Curriculum is available to Registered Members professionally bound for purchase in the HOPE webstore or available for free PDF download.   

The H.O.P.E. Weekly Meeting Classes are Structured in 3 Parts:

We prepare ourselves to meet with God through "Praise and Prayer" time.

We strengthen ourselves and one another through Set Groups where we study the 15 Bible Truths of H.O.P.E.

We find out where we are and how, through Christ, we get where we need to be in the GO session through biblical teaching and preaching.

The 15 Bible Truths of H.O.P.E. are Fundamental in the program

Bible Truth #1 – Only God knows how to make life work

Bible Truth #2 – God’s Word is absolute truth

Bible Truth # 3 – Addictions come from committing sin

Bible Truth #4 – Sin comes from your heart

Bible Truth # 5 – Sin destroys everything it touches

Bible Truth #6 – You can choose the sin, but you can’t choose the consequences

Bible Truth #7 – Your sin affects other people

Bible Truth #8 – Confession and repentance removes guilt and sin

Bible Truth #9 – A believer does not have to be bound by sin

Bible Truth #10 – After removing addictions, you must replace them with godly actions

Bible Truth #11 – Holding on to anger and bitterness will hinder your life

Bible Truth #12 – The company you keep will influence you

Bible Truth # 13 – Controlling speech helps control the body

Bible Truth # 14 – Pride produces spiritual failure

Bible Truth #15 – Freedom must be maintained