About the H.O.P.E. Program
The H.O.P.E. program has shown me how to stop being sorry and start living a victorious life through Christ"
What makes H.O.P.E. different?
Designed so that Independent Baptist churches of any size with any budget can reach their communities.
Adaptable format
You can do anything from a full, weekly meeting with a designated H.O.P.E. director to one on one discipleship with the material, or even use it in an addictions home ministry. We want you to use it as God leads you in your church ministry.
Free regional training conferences and personal church training meetings
There are several regional training conferences hosted by different churches across the nation. If you would like to attend or perhaps even host one in your area, please contact our church office for details. If you would like to schedule an exclusive "step by step" training seminar for your people to learn how to implement the program in your church, get in touch using the form found on the Contact page.
No start up costs
No registration fees or monthly dues. Period. If you find H.O.P.E. to be a blessing, a one time donation or even a reoccurring gift to help with the hosting and maintaining of the H.O.P.E. website and curriculum is greatly appreciated.
Free printable curriculum
Use the H.O.P.E. program with your own printed materials. The print files are available for free for download in our shop once you've registered and been approved. Professionally produced materials are also available from our store to those who wish to give their program a sense of legitimacy among public officials, courts, probation, parole, etc.
About the Founder
The H.O.P.E. program was founded by Pastor Rick Carter Jr. Ph.D. in 2008.
Pastor Carter has his doctorate in Biblical Counseling and is the Pastor of Beth Haven Baptist Church of Oklahoma City and President of the Beth Haven Baptist Seminary. It is his earnest desire to help people who have found themselves entangled in the snare of addiction to experience the freedom that comes through applying the Word of God to their lives.
Pastor Carter has committed himself to the task of making materials available to Independent Baptist Churches that will help them to minister the grace of our Lord to meet the needs of life.
A Ministry of Beth Haven Baptist Church
Beth Haven Baptist Church is the home church of the H.O.P.E. program. Beth Haven is glad to host, maintain, and produce H.O.P.E. materials, as well as providing training for churches wishing to implement H.O.P.E. at their church. Beth Haven also funds the professional printing of materials that we make available to Independent Baptist Churches. Materials may be seen and ordered at the H.O.P.E. store.
Still have questions?
Please, contact us! Fill out the form on the Contact page, or give the church a call at (405) 691-6990.
It is our desire to see communities reached through local churches, and we H.O.P.E. these tools and resources will help enable you to do so in your city.