Opportunity to Help H.O.P.E.

We desire to produce professional quality videos and documentaries on Counseling and Addiction Topics.
Help us reach our financial goal of $12,000.

Instruction and Training Videos for H.O.P.E. Program Workers

Counseling Videos for H.O.P.E. students that deal with real life issues everyone faces.

All videos will be FREE for all H.O.P.E. Members and Churches!

Help Us Reach our Financial Goal of $12,000

We live in a world dominated by visuals.  People spend hours every day tuning into movies, television, YouTube, and many other sources of video.  Many that we deal with in the Addictions ministries don’t read or understand much of what they read.  Being able to get truth to them in a way that they can understand and receive  is important.  Even those who can read don’t read very often, and would be more likely to interact with videos.

There is a great need for use of professional quality video training for both the H.O.P.E. Addiction Recovery Program as well as additional counseling resources for all the issues that we counsel people within our churches.  God has laid it on our hearts to try and fill this need.  We have a plan to begin with the H.O.P.E. Program basics and then expand to many other topics such as Emotional Trauma, Pornography, Guilt and other important topics that you can use to help the people you minister to.

The Lord has opened a door for us to even put these videos into jails across the nation once we have them done. These videos can be used to reach a group of people we otherwise don’t have access to.  This will help us not only to reach those in jail but also to direct them to good churches as they are released.

To do all of this we need to have the right equipment and software.  We have put together a list of professional quality starter equipment.  These are not the top end, but they will produce professional quality video and audio that will be impactful in a world that is dominated by video.  The cost of this is small compared to the impact that it could have in the lives of people.  If God leads you to be involved, you can make a donation right here on the H.O.P.E site or you can mail a check to Beth Haven Baptist Church:

Beth Haven Baptist Church
12400 S. Western Ave
Oklahoma City, OK 73170

~ Rick Carter Jr. Ph.D. 
Founder of HOPE Addictions Recovery Program

Please Pray Considering a One-Time Love Offering.

Digital Video Camera

Camera Lenses

Lighting Equipment

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Donation Total: $250.00

Microphones and Sound Equipment

Miscellaneous Additional Equipment $1,100

Computer Equipment and Software